Tag: integral analysis (page 1 of 6)

LILLE SCOT, Metropolis Strategy

Why | To give great directions to the metropolis for planning and sustainable development
What | Analyses collection + document structure + proof reading
Where | Lille Metropolis, France

I assisted the development of the PADD (Projet d’Aménagement et de Développement Durable / Planning and Sustainable Development Project) and the SCoT (Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale / Territorial Coherence Scheme) for Lille Metropolis at a conceptual, strategic and technical level. Continue reading

URBAN FACILITATORS, Collaborative Urbanism

Why | To promote and develop the approach of the urban facilitators
What | International trends watching + meetings + social media + website (in construction)

I met diverse “urban facilitators” around the world, feed Facebook, TwitterLinkedIn pages and develop website “URBANfacilitators.net “ (in construction) to promote collaborative urbanism.

Urban facilitators? They are the solution to create sustainable development in our cities divided in zones, specialties, departments. They are the missing link between experts, professionals, communities, governmental institutions, stakeholders. They are the generalist doctors able to clarify the complexity of our places and cobuild programs with the right persons and tools.

Here are the 3 features they share: integral approach, collaborative work, transversal action. Continue reading

IN YOUR ELEMENT, Wellness Island

Why | To add value to a peninsula and its context / leisure lake Hanzeland
What | Multi-analyse, concept development, integration, visualisations
Where | Hanzeland, the Netherlands
With | COLOKi + Zooow!-Building formats

Hanzeland is a beloved but aging leisure water park without prestige. Marinas, camps, hotels, water sport facilities, just like any other lake in the region. But in the middle of the lake, there is a free peninsula. What a potential! Maybe something to give an impulse to the whole lake and surroundings? Arcadis, Property owner uit®waarde and property developer Loostad are convinced about the fact that a new place created around a sauna complex can develop. Continue reading

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