
And more…

  • Doloy, integrating a new eco-district spatially and socially, Tergnier, France | Co-conceived a collaborative process for the physical and social integration of current buildings and inhabitants in a new eco-district.
  • Tlahuac*, participatory master plan for Tlahuac district, Mexico, Mexico | Co-worked on a facilitating process for the co-development of a sustainable and progressive masterplan for a special water-related district in Mexico city.
  • Opportunities in « Bloeiwijken », the Netherlands | Studied four different districts in difficulties in main cities and developed common principles for regeneration.
  • Renaissance Rotherham, city centre, Rotherham, the United Kingdom | Took part in the design of an organic development strategy for the Renaissance of city/retail centre of Rotherham
  •  Sustainable development indicators for town centres, study, Canada | Benchmarked existing sustainable development indicators to adapt for town centres revitalization projects.